Would you love to visit Zimbabwe? But have so many things that you are unsure off? Please feel free to contact us.
What is the best time to visit?
Zimbabwe has such a good climate that you can visit all year round. As a basic guideline for game viewing (Aug - Sept) are the best months, and for fishing (Sept - Nov) is an ideal time to catch, house boating (April - July, Aug - Oct). Please bear in mind that some years November through to February/March can be very wet months, with heavy rainfall. Please check our weather page for more information.
Do I need a visa?
A visa is required by most nationalities, please visit our visa page for more information. It is recommended to obtain your visa at port of entry, instead of through your local embassy as it is much easier and quicker.
How long must my passport be valid for?
When entering Zimbabwe your passport must be valid for a minimum of 6 months, and make sure you have enough pages in your passport, as a Zimbabwean visa will take up one whole page.
How do I get from the airport to my destination?
If you are staying in a Hotel, Bed and Breakfast or lodge they will organize the transfer for you from the airport. You can hire a car or a taxi at the airport.
What currency is used?
The United States dollar is the most commonly used currency in Zimbabwe, other currencies such as Rand and Pula are accepted but you will tend to lose on the exchange rate in these currencies. The best thing is to bring United States dollar cash with you, and Visa cards can be used to draw cash out of banking halls.
Is Zimbabwe safe?
Zimbabwe is relatively safe place, although always take care not to display valuables, money and make sure you are not being watched when drawing cash out of the ATM. It is not advisalbe ot walk around at night, either use a taxi or hire a car.
Can I drink the water?
In some establishments you can drink the tap water, however we would recommend drinking bottled water to be safe.
What power points are used?
The power points are 220V, and standard 3 pin square plugs are used. Power cuts are common but most places will have backup generators.
Is there Internet access?
With the installation of 3G in Zimbabwe Internet is a lot more accessible. There are also Internet cafes in many of the main towns and hotels and lodges have Internet access.
Can I get fuel?
Fuel is readily available in Zimbabwe, but make sure when travelling to remote places, that you have filled up as sometimes they do not stock adequate supplies.
What are the medical facilities like in Zimbabwe?
There are excellent medical facilities available, especially in the main towns (Harare and Bulawayo) and the popular tourist town of Victoria Falls. Please visit our health and care page for more useful information.
How do I make use of my cell phone?
Roaming is accessible through a local service provider. Alternatively local sim cards are very easy to buy and at either Econet or Tel one shops, and recharge cards can be bought off the street at intersections.
Which side of the road do I drive?
You drive on the left hand side of the road, and most vehicles are right hand drive.
What languages are spoken?
English, Shona and Ndebele are the three main languages spoken in Zimbabwe, however almost everybody is able to speak English.
Do you have any other questions about Zimbabwe? Contact us. We will get back to you with an answer and put it here to benefit future visitors.