Africa Centre for Holistic Management
The Africa Centre for Holistic Management is a non-governmental organisation,
founded in 1992 by Zimbabwean born Allan Savory, a former wildlife biologist, farmer and
politician and became registered as a social welfare organisation in 1994. Located just 34km
outside of Victoria Falls, our unique learning site stands as a flagship of the organisation's
achievements, where environmentally, socially and economically sound decision making that
has resulted in restored land and flowing rivers, with the added attraction of sustainable
potential. A cost effective, sustainable, nature based and highly scalable solution, Holistic
Management concepts have been successfully applied on various landscapes across Africa,
Australia, the Americas and Europe, delivering impressive results!
Purpose: Using the Holistic Management framework of decision making, the Africa Centre
for Holistic Management intends to enhance food and water security, so as to sustainably
enrich human livelihoods. In providing trainings related to the Holistic Land and Livestock
Management, we pride ourselves in the restoration of soil, watersheds and croplands,
combating worldly crises pertaining to disappearing wildlife, poverty, endless droughts and
floods, climate change, drying rivers and food aid programmes that never seem to end. We
strive to improve the lives of our communities, whilst fostering a wilderness that will be useful
to generations to come.